Monday, February 22, 2010

Fake A Call Palm WebOS Application

I developed my third Palm App which was published to the App Catalog. See _here: for a look at the app and its roadmap.

It had a rating of 5 on the 5th day of release. But today, someone posted but did not rate. It's so interesting to me that people would take the time out to destroy another persons reputation to promote their own interest.

Someone did the same thing with my first two applications by telling people, the app destroyed my phone or I downloaded this app several times and it doesn't work.

People are driven by perception and do think for themselves. Palm checks every application that comes through. If the application would destroy a mobile phone, then Palm would be liable and replace the phone and remove the application.

There are legal restrictions and such that we developers must abide by. The tactics of other developers who are competing, well God is watching. One thing that I know for sure, that Whom The Lord Blesses, no man can curse. God will turn their curse against them.

So, for those who are developers or non-developers who wish to harm another person at their own interest. You will suffer, it may not be financially, or something you see with your eyes. But you will not know true peace.

Think of it like this. If a chain is around your neck all your life and a free person came along and said that you are bound. Would you know it? Of course not, you've never known freedom. Some people in boundage will work to have freedom while still in chains. And will associate change as freedom.

Anyway, I'm gone for today. Hey, check out my church website too:

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