NOTES FROM THE WEEKEND: 12/10/2010 – 12/12/2010
Mobile Development environments:
Android | BREW | Symbian |
Blackberry | Palm | Windows |
iOS | | |
C# | CSS3 | Javascript |
Perl | Java | Ajax |
PHP | HTML5 | Ruby |
Python | Rails | |
This weekend I started studying the C language again. It’s not too different from C# except it isn’t object oriented. It’s procedural.
The thing that I found most important about the language is described in my writings here. The question that always played in my mind is how important is it to learn C again or to know it well.
I’m finding that Microsoft’s languages have not been the language of choice when it comes to changing the world. It has been C and other open source languages. Facebook, Google, jobs in those areas require knowledge in C.
Facebook is having a hacker contest and they stated that Microsoft Languages is not a consideration for the contest.
What I did on the weekend is wrote C on the windows platform and ported that code to the Linux and compiled it. ANSI C is the language of choice here and if we use Microsofts explicitly I run into compiler problems. There are libraries that MS has, which are not standard libraries in C. Which means, what I write become platform depended.
That’s currently the problem with porting applications from the .NET framework in Windows, to MAC, to Linux in the Mono world.
There are framework namespaces supported on windows not supported on other platforms. So I could develop for Windows and not be able to move that code to MAC or Linux without recoding the project.
ANSI C is the goal and purpose for me learning now. I’m going to continue this writing later, but want to port this information here to my journal.
Chat later.