I recently purchased a domain to publish my online learning content using moodle.org. At first I upgraded my server to IIS 7 because it supported PHP. That worked great! I then grabbed the moodle package and uploaded the zip file and uncompressed it on my hosting account. Created a subdomain and database and it worked.
Unfortunately I could not send mail to users and my site randomly directed newly registered users to page paths that did not exist. I grew frustrated, I worked on the site for almost a week and still could not find a solution on the internet.
Time was running out, so I purchased a linux server and added moodle. Guess what, still could not send mail. But Cron worked.
Then I pulled out my notebook and wrote down different ideas and tried each of them and wrote down their failures and messages.
I finally figured it out!!!!!!
localhost goes in the smtp host name
your godaddy email account is used in the smtp username and then your password. You must make sure that your support email address matches your godaddy email account or it will not authorize you to send out mail. That's it.