This week has been challenging at work as the Governor, legislature and house introduced their versions of the States budget plans for the next 2 years. I work for the State of Washington at the Public Disclosure Commission. You ask, what is the Public Disclosure Commission, well, it is an agency formed by Law to collect, manage and disclose information about political candidates, their financial activities and those who lobby for or against them.
Well, as you can see therein presents a problem. We are also at the mercy of those we manage. I've been at the agency for a little over 2 years and watched the budget shrink, shrink and shrink more. We have been working with limited resources since I've been with them and and was told that at one point the agency was being starved by the legislature hoping that we would fail.
Well, their budgets have come out and they, Governor, House, Legislature are asking our small agency of 23 employees to cut between 504,000 and 849,000. What does that mean for an agency that has difficulty buying office supplies or paying for bottles of purified water because the building water is not drinkable? Well, that equates to between 3 to 5 employees, since we don't have the money.
With a already limited, staff trying to do the work required by law and they, the Governor, House and Legislature, are slowly taking the life out of the agency. Well, that means that the public disclosure commission will be in violation of the law themselves.
With a staff of two developers, desktop administrator we all wonder who will it be. Granted, we have several people there that I have no clue what they do, but I would'nt want to be the one to tell them to move their desk to the basement, (for those who seen office space the movie)