Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What Do I Say

A blog is a blog? This is my first blog. It's interesting that when it comes to writing something, just to write. Well, you don't know what to write. At least it works that way for me.

This is my first time using a blog to write down my thoughts. So this blog will be filled with my experiences at work, the weather, learning new ways to write C# code and my all time favorite writing my videos for my channels church and training center.

If you live in Olympia Washington and want a great church home come visit Greater Life Apostolic Church in Olympia Washington, our website is here:

My Biggest Project
Lately I've been focusing my attention on building the ministry. We have been doing outreach and only got one return on our investment and to me that is great. Had we gotten none, we would have to rethink our strategy.

I did get a bit of side advice from a friend of the family. I need to participate in some community programs and take the kids. Then invite others who trust me to the church. That will be my next project. It seems difficult to convince people that church is important. I guess people who have money and a job don't consider these things. Maybe that's what Paul meant when he says that God has chosen the poor rich in faith.

Anyway, got to go do some programming. Peace.